Monday, February 25, 2013

The AutoCAD Gazette is alive and well!

Greetings AutoCAD Gazette followers,

I'll bet you are wondering where the heck have I been. After months of emails with the host service of this blog they have finally figured out the problem why I have been unable to access it. I don't know why it took so long but the good news is I am back and ready to go. We have missed the last couple of releases of AutoCAD but I have been working with the Beta of the next release, 2014!

I'm not able to talk about it yet but that time will be here soon. In the meantime let's get re-aquainted and have some fun. Let me know that you are out there by posting. Let me know what you would like to hear about or post some interesting AutoCAD tidbits of your own.

It is Monday, Feb. 25th 2013 and we are getting ready for our 2nd big snowstorm in 5 days here in Missouri. If your in the midwest, stay safe and be careful out there.

I'll be back real soon!

Till next time.


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